Headscarf; Hijab; Veil; Burqa; Niqab; Chador; Litham; Jilbab
Global Bar condemns hijab law
Tajikistan bans the headscarf
Saudi U-turn on the headscarf
French ban in 2023
Mahsa Amini's death anniversary
Peer: show solidarity with sisters
Iran: burning the headscarf
A eulogy by The Prince of Wales
Muslims and their cultural baggage
Dr Zaki Badawi at the BBC
Spanish Tribute to Dr Zaki Badawi
Interview Dr Zaki Badawi
Ban the Burqa
Hijab is Not an Islamic Duty
Saudi madness
Mo Salah's wife
Fanatics in Wales
Hijabi clones
Quran: Headscarf NOT required
Islamic State and the headscarf
Piety or Political Islam?
Forced to wear headscarf
Fanatics again: 2018
Holy Terror - Iran
The Arab Awakening - T R
Reformers of Egypt: Badawi
A Brutal Friendship
Gamal Abdel Nasser: 1963
Gamal Abdel Nasser: headscarf
Anwar Sadat in Newsweek 1981
Autumn of Fury
Islam at the Crossroads
State and Government
Syria and Lebanon
The Arab Awakening
Publish it Not...
Mubarak: Democracy in Action
Mubarak & Adly sentenced
Islamic Quarterly: Jihad
Jesus in the Quran
Egypt-Israel Treaty of Peace
Weak hadith on the niqab & hijab
Weak hadith & the headcovering
Kaufman: Israel is acting like Nazis
Israel in Lebanon
Tribute to Princess Diana
Faiza Ali: a voice of reason
World Review 1947: the Arab World
Judge Raffia Arshad
Recommended reading
LBC: Burn in hell??
The Quran and the hijab - Video
The Message - Full Movie (English)
Syria and Lebanon
A Political Essay
(Part 4)
Syria and Lebanon - A Political Essay by A. H Hourani